And you can avail Gmail’s smart Inbox segregation that helps reduce clutter and allows you to focus on important emails in your Primary tab. In contrast, Canary only downloads each email once and applies the correct labels to it, just as Gmail does on the web, which is much more efficient. As you can imagine, this isn’t very efficient and ends up using a lot more disk space and bandwidth than is necessary. This brings a major performance advantage as well – some mail clients treat Gmail’s Inbox and All Mail as separate folders, even though all emails in Inbox are technically also in All Mail – this means that Apple Mail, for example, ends up downloading a large number of emails twice, since it doesn’t treat labels as labels – it treats them as folders.

That’s it! There are no Settings to configure and no servers to specify.

On the next screen, click on the ‘Allow’ button to grant Spark access to your email account, so you can use your Gmail email within Spark.If you're already signed in, you will be asked to choose an account. Sign in with the email address and password of your Gmail account. You will be taken to the browser to sign in to your Gmail account.On the intro screen, click on the Continue with Google button to proceed.If you’re already using Spark and want to add a Gmail account, follow these instructions here instead. If you haven’t already, download and install Spark mail app on your Mac to get started.