Also, you should shut down your Mac if you do not plan to use it for several days. Restarting a Mac allows your system to finish all system processes correctly, flush RAM, and clear temporary files. In this case, huge temporary files are created. Many users do not finish work on their Mac by the end of the day, but just put it into Sleep Mode. The easiest way to free up RAM is to restart your Mac. Clearing inactive RAM will help to improve your Mac’s performance. If you notice that your Mac is slowing down even when you launch a few apps, then your system needs more free RAM to perform the tasks. Read also: “ Top 5 memory consuming apps on a Mac” A damaged disk or using an outdated type of disk, for example, using HDD as a system one.The possible use of Mac resources by malware, such as crypto miners.A MacBook may run slowly if it has been running continuously for several weeks without rebooting. Using outdated versions of applications may burden the system’s CPU usage. For normal operation, the system requires at least 20GB of free disk space to store temporary files. Websites with lots of media files and animations can slow down your computer. Launching multiple applications simultaneously and having too many applications running in the background.When the required RAM is not available, the computer constantly saves some of the data from memory to disk. Some applications require more RAM than is currently available on the system. Using programs for video conversion, backup, 3D rendering, etc., require a large amount of processing power. Here are the top reasons of why Mac computer is running slow: There may be various reasons for a decline in Mac’s performance. Before we start, watch a short video “Tips to speed up a slow Mac”